North Canterbury Kennel Association (Benefit Show) (South Is, NZ)
Date of Show : 29-Mar-24 (Friday)
Championship Show
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the above show. It is FREE to submit results.
General Specials
Specials Judge: Mrs Yoshimi Suzuki (Japan)
NZ Sup & Sp Gr Ch Zaminka Cat Amongst Pigeons (Jessica Bello)
Baby in Show: Whippet
Kana-Ka Sunkist Rose (Jackie Newton-Williams)
Puppy in Show: Shiba Inu
Rakurai Because Ur Worth It (Jennifer Nield)
Junior in Show: Fox Terrier (Smooth)
NZ Ch Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley & J Dixon)
Group 1 - Toys
Specials Judge : Mr Kevin Young (South Africa)
Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
Runner Up in Group & New Zealand Bred in Group: Pug
NZ Ch Tai Yuan Set The World On Fire (A Donaldson-Rogers/ C Tippett/ D Rogers/ A & F Ancell)
Puppy in Group: Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
NZ Ch Cry Havoc at Warlaven (Fleur Collings & Lavinia Goodwin)
Open in Group: Pug
NZ Ch Cosmique Keep It Coming (A Donaldson Rogers)
Bichon Frise
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Marged Of Llywelin (A Tritschler & G Fausett)
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch El-Toro Fly the Banner at Warlaven (Fleur Collings)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch AmigoReal Welcome to New York at Silverbay (Bev Thompson)
Res Dog CC & Open (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch AmigoReal Over The Rainbow with MadraChi (Belinda Stone)
Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Kitaco Lipsync Assassin (Dr Tracey Tonkin)
Junior of Breed: AmigoReal Voice of Echo with MadraChi (Bev Thompson)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Kitaco Ben de la Crème (Dr Tracey Tonkin)
Open of Breed: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado (Dr Tracey Tonkin)
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Cry Havoc at Warlaven (Fleur Collings & Lavinia Goodwin)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Tarquila Fairdinkum Buster (Imp Aust) (Luella Osborne)
Chinese Crested Dog
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Franzell Diamond's N The Skye (Rose Paget)
Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Peaky Blinder (A Porter & C Holloway)
Res Dog CC & Puppy (Dog) of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Tai Yuan Set The World On Fire (A Donaldson-Rogers/ C Tippett/ D Rogers/ A & F Ancell)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Cosmique Keep It Coming (A Donaldson Rogers)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Gangsters Frm Italy with Love (Wendy Schwalger)
Group 2 - Terriers
Specials Judge : Mr Tony Wu (Taiwan)
NZ Sup Ch Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
Runner Up in Group & Junior in Group: Fox Terrier (Smooth)
NZ Ch Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley & J Dixon)
Baby in Group: Norwich Terrier
Norwester Hellzapoppin (Jill Watson)
Puppy in Group: Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Charlemagne Shake It Off (Carrie Tolley)
Cairn Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Aila Nessa-bella Of Gartferry (Patricia Brooker)
Fox Terrier (Smooth)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley & J Dixon)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Charlemagne Shake It Off (Carrie Tolley)
Jack Russell Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Jacknthebox Runaway June (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
Norwich Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Baby of Breed: Norwester Hellzapoppin (Jill Watson)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Sladestaff Bring The Noise (Teresa Treweek)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Takoda Class Act (Sian Vermeer)
Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Koendidda Beta Latethan Never (T Treweek, S & G Meredith)
Puppy of Breed: Oakamoor Revenge Of Dreams (Leana Bartle)
Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Myrah She Can Do Magic (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth)
New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Myrah Simply Magic For Renegade (Kirsty Morton & Jorga Dixon)
Group 3 - Gundogs
Specials Judge : Mr Tony Wu (Taiwan)
NZ Ch Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon (N & R Trainor)
Baby in Group: Weimaraner
Waldwieze Girl Gone Wild at Weizwaze (Julie Rumsey)
Open in Group: English Springer Spaniel
NZ Sup Ch Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp Aust) (N & R Trainor)
Clumber Spaniel
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Baswei Joy Of A Rose (Helen Dupe)
Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Baswei Just A Smoking Gun (Helen Dupe)
Cocker Spaniel
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: CIB NZ Sup Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman)
English Springer Spaniel
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon (N & R Trainor)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp Aust) (N & R Trainor)
German Shorthaired Pointer
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Arosa Celtic Storm (AI) (L Harry & M Reichmuth)
Labrador Retriever
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Cowanheights To Hot To Handle (Mr Simon Monson)
Baby of Breed: Cowanheights Yippee Ki Yay (Mr Simon Monson)
Lagotto Romagnolo
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Glenstar Rhythm Of The Rain (D Hanson & A Price-Gosman)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Glenstar Setn Th World On Fire (Laura Harry & Desiree Hanson)
BOB & Baby of Breed: Waldwieze Girl Gone Wild at Weizwaze (Julie Rumsey)
Weimaraner (Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Waldwiese A Different Drum (LH) (Imp AUST) (J Rumsey/ L & C Richter)
Group 4 - Hounds
Specials Judge : Mrs Yoshimi Suzuki (Japan)
NZ Ch Blackwatch Newshound (Sylvia Schmidt)
Runner Up in Group & Open in Group: Whippet
NZ Ch Bonnymead Peaches NCream (Imp Aust) (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Baby in Group: Whippet
Kana-Ka Sunkist Rose (Jackie Newton-Williams)
Puppy in Group: Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Essare Send In The Clowns (Solitaire Robertson)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Basenji
Mzuri of Jillayla (Roz Cooper)
Afghan Hound
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Black Velvet At Farrah (Tracy Locke)
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Mzuri of Jillayla (Roz Cooper)
Res Bitch CC & Baby (Bitch) of Breed: Wheatlands Crossfire (Gwen Hindmarsh)
Baby of Breed: Wheatlands Field Marshal (Gwen Hindmarsh)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Aust Ch NZ Ch Marakhoff Ulrikaah For Shysu (Imp Aust) (Kay Sneath / Mike Stewart / Amelia Price-Gosman)
Dachshund (Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Blackwatch Newshound (Sylvia Schmidt)
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch SAF Ch Getwick Makin' Dreams for Mistydale JM (Imp SAF) (Robyn Williams)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Treppenwitz Creative Design (R W Manning)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Aust Ch Lowenhyte Nelson (AI) (Imp Aust) (Mr I Cross & Mr R Manning)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Solid Gold of Markwell (R W Manning)
Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Essare Send In The Clowns (Solitaire Robertson)
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
BOB & Baby of Breed: Weissenberg Rum n Raisin (Mrs B Morris & Mrs K White)
Rhodesian Ridgeback
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Ujamaa Bucaneer (Imp AUST) (Deanna Pender)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Koruridge Skywalker (Elizabeth Coles and Donna Yates)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Bonnymead Peaches NCream (Imp Aust) (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Baby of Breed: Kana-Ka Sunkist Rose (Jackie Newton-Williams)
Group 5 - Working Dogs
Specials Judge : Mrs Sue Chaytor (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Westfield Maia (Jon Field)
Runner Up in Group & Open in Group: Border Collie
NZ Ch Moonstar Kelly's Dream (Paul Hill)
Baby in Group: Collie (Rough)
NZ Ch Fairenvy Diamentes N Silva (Angela Sime)
Puppy in Group: Border Collie
NZ Ch Clan-Abby NZ Puttin' On The Ritz (Land Tang)
Junior in Group: Shetland Sheepdog
Deamonte Alexis (Lavina Diamanti)
Intermediate in Group: Collie (Rough)
NZ Ch Fairenvy Cutting Edge (Imp AUST) (Angela Sime)
Australian Shepherd
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Mainstreet Dancing In The Dark (Imp Aust) (Trudy Gallavin)
Border Collie
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Moonstar Kelly's Dream (Paul Hill)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Moonstar Dreams R XQuisit At Fairenvy (Angela Sime)
Dog CC & Junior (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Moonstar Gift From Heaven (Paul Hill)
Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Clan-Abby NZ Puttin' On The Ritz (Land Tang)
Collie (Rough)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Fairenvy Cutting Edge (Imp AUST) (Angela Sime)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Avonia Ice Ice Baby (T McIntosh)
Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Fairenvy Diamentes N Silva (Angela Sime)
German Shepherd Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Rahkantra A Littl Bit Of Magic (Candyce Orchard)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: Rahkantra A Littl Bit of Faith (Candyce Orchard)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Rahkantra Yellow Moon (Candyce Orchard)
German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Westfield Maia (Jon Field)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Kaygarr Ezi Ryda (Carol Dayman)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Gwylim Exclusive Edition At Zebanti (Carol Dayman)
Miniature American Shepherd
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Wagontails Etched In Roses (Lyn Sixtus & Cherie Hill)
Shetland Sheepdog
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Deamonte Alexis (Lavina Diamanti)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Shelton Miles O Sand (Lavina Diamanti)
Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: DeAmonte Ready Freddy (Lavina Diamanti)
Group 6 - Utility Dogs
Specials Judge : Mrs Yoshimi Suzuki (Japan)
NZ Sup & Sp Gr Ch Zaminka Cat Amongst Pigeons (Jessica Bello)
Runner Up in Group & New Zealand Bred in Group: Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alpine Edge Of Dreams SD (Melanie Quinn)
Puppy in Group: Shiba Inu
Rakurai Because Ur Worth It (Jennifer Nield)
Junior in Group: Dobermann
NZ Ch Shadday Set Fire To The Rain At Debruk (H Street & S R Maguigan)
Intermediate in Group: Schnauzer (Miniature)
NZ Ch Oasis Tiger Lilly (Deanna Jose)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Everglades Little Bit of Mojo (N E Swan)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Shadday Set Fire To The Rain At Debruk (H Street & S R Maguigan)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Platinum Sup Ch Brookvale J-Parker at Kauriland (Tony & Judith Marsh)
Res Bitch CC & Intermediate (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Kauriland Purple Haze at Brookvale (S Orlowski / T & J Marsh)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup & Sp Gr Ch Zaminka Cat Amongst Pigeons (Jessica Bello)
Schnauzer (Miniature)
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Oasis Classic Fit For Me (Deanna Jose)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Oasis Tiger Lilly (Deanna Jose)
Shiba Inu
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Rakurai Because Ur Worth It (Jennifer Nield)
Siberian Husky
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Alpine Edge Of Dreams SD (Melanie Quinn)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Melandar Red Ruby at Rundles (Zarnia Cross)
Puppy of Breed: Koruridge Goddess of Fortune From Alyeshka (Melanie Quinn)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Kevin Young (South Africa)
NZ Sup Ch Spl Gr Ch Paceaway Tearz From Heaven At Zolandia (Imp Aust) (Pam Norman)
Runner Up in Group & Junior in Group: French Bulldog
NZ Ch Hagen Dream A Little Dream (G Hagger & S Garrity)
Intermediate in Group: Boston Terrier
NZ Ch Devine Yeah Riot I Am At Martyn (Nicole Harrison, Martyn, Lisa and Cassidy Slade)
Boston Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Devine Yeah Riot I Am At Martyn (Nicole Harrison, Martyn, Lisa and Cassidy Slade)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Caraglen Dee (Sharyn Robertson)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Toarus Satisfy My Soul (Matthew Thyne)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Aardappel Majestic Warrior (Sharyn Robertson)
Res Bitch CC & Baby of Breed: Spellz All Around of Cambull (Suzanne Campbell)
Chow Chow
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Esorchows Mei-li (Reuben Dixon)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Baby of Breed: Weilion Chantilly Lace (Gloria Jackson)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Spl Gr Ch Paceaway Tearz From Heaven At Zolandia (Imp Aust) (Pam Norman)
R/UP BOB and Dog CC: NZ Ch Zolandia Zenith (Pam Norman)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Cristabo Fairy Tail Dreamz (Carla Peck)
Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Cristabo Sea of Love (Carla Peck)
French Bulldog
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Hagen Dream A Little Dream (G Hagger & S Garrity)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Gesundheit Senor Maximus At Hagen (G Hagger / S Garrity / E Tooth)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Hagen Call Me Alakazam (AI) (G Hagger, S Garrity, E Tooth)
Res Bitch CC & Open (Bitch) of Breed: Hagen Flight Of The Bumblebee (G Hagger & S Garrity)
Puppy of Breed: Astre Born to Be Wild at Toarus (Tania Toa)
Japanese Spitz
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Drakon The Master Of The Game (Lois Butler)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior (Bitch) of Breed: Talbothights Times Up (Lois Butler and Ashleigh Milford)
Res Dog CC: Drakon Hall of Fame at Talbothights (Lois Butler and Ashleigh Milford)
Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: Talbothights Just Do It (Lois Butler & Ashleigh Milford)
Poodle (Miniature)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Inchcolm Qui Vivra Verra (Z Hogg & B Crocker)
Poodle (Standard)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Spr Ch & Spl Gr Ch Tai Yuan Studio Fifty Four (Stacy & Ashleigh Donaldson-Rogers / Dianne Rogers)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Elbeedee Mayflower (A L Staples)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Elbeedee Midnight Special (Adrienne Staples)
Shar Pei
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gumby's Starry Starry Night (Imp) (P S Jamieson)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Wuyu Crinkled Star (P S Jamieson)
Shih Tzu
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Vindora Heart Of Gold (Diane Botd)
Tibetan Terrier
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Caerlaverock Pho Flying Solo (Brian & Louise Harris)