Boxer Show Results

The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the Boxer (only past 90 days are shown). It is FREE to submit results.

Championship Show
Open Show
(S) Group or Breed Speciality

2-Feb-25 (Sunday)

Hibiscus Coast Kennel Association (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Hans Almgren (Sweden)   Group Specials : Mr S Mitrevski (North Macedonia)

Puppy in Show: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Puppy in Group: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)

Hibiscus Coast Kennel Association (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr S Mitrevski (North Macedonia)   Group Specials : Mr Hans Almgren (Sweden)

Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)

1-Feb-25 (Saturday)

Purina Pro Plan Auckland Exhibition Centre (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Miss Beverley Daines (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs L Carleton (New Zealand)

Runner Up in Group & Puppy in Group: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)

Purina Pro Plan Auckland Exhibition Centre (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Duncan McAllister (QLD)   Group Specials : Miss Anthea Adamopoulos (QLD)

R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)

19-Jan-25 (Sunday)

Wanganui Kennel Society (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Kerry Cannon (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs Kerry Cannon (NSW)

R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)

Wanganui Kennel Society (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr John Comerford (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs Kathleen Hardwick (New Zealand)

Puppy in Group: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior in Group: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)

18-Jan-25 (Saturday)

Manawatu Kennel Association (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Toni Comerford (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs Toni Comerford (NSW)

BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)

Manawatu Kennel Association (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr D Seow (Malaysia)   Group Specials : Mr John Comerford (NSW)

BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)

12-Jan-25 (Sunday)

Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Shannon Lancaster (NSW)   Group Specials : Ms Shannon Lancaster (NSW)

BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Everglades Little Bit of Mojo (N E Swan)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)

11-Jan-25 (Saturday)

Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD)   Group Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD)

BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Everglades Little Bit of Mojo (N E Swan)

5-Jan-25 (Sunday)

Hamilton Kennel Association (Benefit Show) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Kathleen Hardwick (New Zealand)   Group Specials : Miss Meg Hamilton (New Zealand)

Junior in Group: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)

15-Dec-24 (Sunday)

South Taranaki Kennel Centre (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Elaine Knox (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs Elaine Knox (NSW)

R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gremlix Straight N True at Adhara (Carolyn Bassett)
Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)

14-Dec-24 (Saturday)

South Taranaki Kennel Centre (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Carole Long (New Zealand)   Group Specials : Mrs Carole Long (New Zealand)

Runner Up in Group: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gremlix Straight N True at Adhara (Carolyn Bassett)

Taranaki Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Society (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Maureen Gostelow (VIC)   Group Specials : Mrs Maureen Gostelow (VIC)

BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gremlix Straight N True at Adhara (Carolyn Bassett)

1-Dec-24 (Sunday)

East Coast Ladies Kennel Association (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Mukul Vaid (India)   Group Specials : Mr M Uryu (Japan)

Neuter in Group: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Valeska Going Almadin TK (Lloyd Harrison & Dorothy Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

30-Nov-24 (Saturday)

East Coast Ladies Kennel Association (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr M Uryu (Japan)   Group Specials : Mr Erik De Boer (New Zealand)

Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
Neuter in Group: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Valeska Going Almadin TK (Lloyd Harrison & Dorothy Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

28-Nov-24 (Thursday)

Hutt Valley Kennel Centre (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Yanina Smith (TAS)   Group Specials : Ms Helen Clark (New Zealand)

BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Bamburgh My Secret (Diane Gregor)

27-Nov-24 (Wednesday)

Kapi-Mana Kennel Society (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs A Vaid (India)   Group Specials : Mr Mukul Vaid (India)

BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Valeska Going Almadin TK (Lloyd Harrison & Dorothy Harrison)

Kapi-Mana Kennel Society (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Lynne Harwood (VIC)   Group Specials : Mrs A Vaid (India)

BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Valeska Going Almadin TK (Lloyd Harrison & Dorothy Harrison)
Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Bamburgh My Secret (Diane Gregor)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)

24-Nov-24 (Sunday)

Franklin Kennel Association (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Daniel Ceres Rubio (Brazil)   Group Specials : Miss Anna Ancell (New Zealand)

Best NEUTER in Group & Neuter in Group: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)
Baby in Group: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Dog CC & Open (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Gremlix Straight N True at Adhara (Carolyn Bassett)
Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior of Breed: Valeska Going Almadin TK (Lloyd Harrison & Dorothy Harrison)
Junior (Dog) of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

Franklin Kennel Association (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Nick Gouzos (SA)   Group Specials : Mr Keith Lovell (VIC)

Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
Baby of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior (Dog) of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

Central Boxer Club (North Is, NZ) (S)

General Specials : Mrs Kim Rutherford (USA)

Best in Show & New Zealand Bred in Show: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
Baby in Show: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Intermediate in Show: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)

23-Nov-24 (Saturday)

Ladies Kennel Association (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Miss Anna Ancell (New Zealand)   Group Specials : Mr Jason Moore (VIC)

BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gremlix Straight N True at Adhara (Carolyn Bassett)
Baby of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior (Dog) of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

Ladies Kennel Association (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Danielle Dryburgh (NSW)   Group Specials : Mr Garry Dryburgh (NSW)

Baby in Group: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kadence Drop It Like Its Hot (Carolyn Bassett & Aynsley Downie)
Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie)
Junior (Dog) of Breed: Talhea That Will Do Me (Zoe Irons)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Valeska Red Hot Baby (Lloyd Harrison)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Talhea Shes All That (Zoe Irons)

16-Nov-24 (Saturday)

Canterbury Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Daniel Ceres Rubio (Brazil)   Group Specials : Mrs Jan Brownlie (New Zealand)

R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)

United Bull Breeds Association (South Is, NZ) (S)

General Specials : Mr Arthur Fry (VIC)

Puppy in Show: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)

15-Nov-24 (Friday)

Canterbury Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs S Barkey (Canada)   Group Specials : Mrs S Barkey (Canada)

BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)

14-Nov-24 (Thursday)

Museum Trust Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Raymond Lo (Phillipines)   Group Specials : Mr Raymond Lo (Phillipines)

Puppy in Group: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)
Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)

13-Nov-24 (Wednesday)

Museum Trust Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Lee Steeves (Canada)   Group Specials : Mrs Sonya Sloan (New Zealand)

BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Fairy Tale (T Chesmar & E de Boer)