Chinese Crested Dog Show Results

The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the Chinese Crested Dog (only past 90 days are shown). It is FREE to submit results.

Championship Show
Open Show
(S) Group or Breed Speciality

18-Jan-25 (Saturday)

Manawatu Kennel Association (Show 1) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Toni Comerford (NSW)   Group Specials : Mrs Kerry Cannon (NSW)

Baby in Group: Juleko Delightful Lady at Lysandra (Barbara Hunter)
BOB & Baby of Breed: Juleko Delightful Lady at Lysandra (Barbara Hunter)

Manawatu Kennel Association (Show 2) (North Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr D Seow (Malaysia)   Group Specials : Mrs Carol Keong (QLD)

BOB & Baby of Breed: Juleko Delightful Lady at Lysandra (Barbara Hunter)

12-Jan-25 (Sunday)

Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Shannon Lancaster (NSW)   Group Specials : Ms Shannon Lancaster (NSW)

Junior in Group: NZ Ch Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Koreke Ice On Fire (B Cherry & J Bryce)
Baby of Breed: Koreke Quae Semper Vincere (J E Bryce & B M Cherry)

11-Jan-25 (Saturday)

Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD)   Group Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD)

Baby in Group: Koreke Hic Sunt Dracones (J E Bryce & B M Cherry)
Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Franzell Diamond's N The Skye (Rose Paget)
Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
Baby of Breed: Koreke Hic Sunt Dracones (J E Bryce & B M Cherry)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)

15-Dec-24 (Sunday)

Canterbury Junior Kennel Society (Show 2) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Mathew Morse (VIC)   Group Specials : Miss Christine Timms (NSW)

Best in Group & Junior in Group: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
R/UP BOB & Bitch CC: Franzell Diamond's N The Skye (Rose Paget)

14-Dec-24 (Saturday)

Canterbury Junior Kennel Society (Show 1) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Dayna Johnston (NSW)   Group Specials : Mr Mathew Morse (VIC)

BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
R/UP BOB & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Tiffays Moon River (B Cherry & J Bryce)
Dog CC & Junior (Dog) of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
Baby of Breed: Koreke Ziggy Stardust (J Bryce & B Cherry)

1-Dec-24 (Sunday)

Southern Otago Kennel Association (Show 1) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Cathy Scotton (VIC)   Group Specials : Mrs Danielle Dryburgh (NSW)

BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)

Southern Otago Kennel Association (Show 2) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Anna Lane (VIC)   Group Specials : Mrs Anna Lane (VIC)

Junior in Group: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)

30-Nov-24 (Saturday)

Southern Ladies Kennel Association (Show 1) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs Danielle Dryburgh (NSW)   Group Specials : Ms Kirsten Price (New Zealand)

BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)

Southern Ladies Kennel Association (Show 2) (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Kirsten Price (New Zealand)   Group Specials : Mrs Cathy Scotton (VIC)

Junior in Group: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)

17-Nov-24 (Sunday)

Canterbury Toy Dog Society (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Raymond Lo (Phillipines)

R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Peaky Blinder (A Porter & C Holloway)
Bitch CC & Junior (Bitch) of Breed: Franzell Diamond's N the Star's (Rose Paget)

16-Nov-24 (Saturday)

Canterbury Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Daniel Ceres Rubio (Brazil)   Group Specials : Mr Alan Hunt (NSW)

BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Tiffays Moon River (B Cherry & J Bryce)
Res Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Peaky Blinder (A Porter & C Holloway)
Res Bitch CC & Junior (Bitch) of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Corindale Crested Posh Poppy (A Porter & C Holloway)

Otago/Southland Toy Dog Club (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Brett Abraham (NSW)

Junior in Show: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Ice On Fire (B Cherry & J Bryce)

15-Nov-24 (Friday)

Canterbury Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mrs S Barkey (Canada)   Group Specials : Mr Hans van den Berg (Netherlands)

BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
Bitch CC: Franzell Diamond's N the Star's (Rose Paget)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Peaky Blinder (A Porter & C Holloway)
NEUTER BOB, NEUTER Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Corindale Crested Posh Poppy (A Porter & C Holloway)

14-Nov-24 (Thursday)

Museum Trust Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Mr Raymond Lo (Phillipines)   Group Specials : Mr Daniel Ceres Rubio (Brazil)

BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Koreke Ice On Fire (B Cherry & J Bryce)

13-Nov-24 (Wednesday)

Museum Trust Association (South Is, NZ)

General Specials : Ms Lee Steeves (Canada)   Group Specials : Mrs S Barkey (Canada)

Runner Up in Group & Junior in Group: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Koreke Sparks Will Fly (J Bryce & B Cherry)
Res Bitch CC: NZ Ch Koreke Tiffays Moon River (B Cherry & J Bryce)