Marlborough Kennel Association (Benefit Show) (South Is, NZ)
Date of Show : 19-May-24 (Sunday)
Championship Show
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the above show. It is FREE to submit results.
General Specials
Specials Judge: Mr Glenn Wilshier (QLD)
Am Ch NZ Gr Ch Homespuns Simon Says (Imp USA) (L Chalmers & K McIntyre)
Runner Up in Show & Junior in Show: English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon (N & R Trainor)
Baby in Show: German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
Westfield Prime Suspect (J K Field)
Puppy in Show: Jack Russell Terrier
NZ Ch Jacknthebox Runaway June (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
Intermediate in Show: Pekingese
NZ Ch Parkavon Master of Memorys (Dianne Rogers & Keith Brown)
New Zealand Bred in Show: Whippet
Arcon Goddess Of Love At Benbridge (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Group 1 - Toys
Specials Judge : Mrs Jodie Wilshier (QLD)
NZ Ch Cosmique Keep It Coming (A Donaldson Rogers)
Runner Up in Group & Intermediate in Group: Pekingese
NZ Ch Parkavon Master of Memorys (Dianne Rogers & Keith Brown)
Puppy in Group: Pug
Triseter Mopsi Willow (Imp Aust) (P Calman & V Robertson)
Junior in Group: Bichon Frise
NZ Ch Marged Of Llywelin (A Tritschler & G Fausett)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Bichon Frise
NZ Ch Joyau Man Of The Moment (Anne Batiste and Anne Fitzsimon)
Bichon Frise
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Joyau Man Of The Moment (Anne Batiste and Anne Fitzsimon)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Marged Of Llywelin (A Tritschler & G Fausett)
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch AmigoReal Welcome to New York at Silverbay (Bev Thompson)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: AmigoReal Voice of Echo with MadraChi (Bev Thompson)
Chinese Crested Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Franzell Alan Not Negotiable (Sam Macintosh)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Parkavon Master of Memorys (Dianne Rogers & Keith Brown)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Parkavon High Heels N Pearls (Dianne Rogers & Keith Brown)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Cosmique Keep It Coming (A Donaldson Rogers)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Triseter Mopsi Willow (Imp Aust) (P Calman & V Robertson)
Group 2 - Terriers
Specials Judge : Mrs Jodie Wilshier (QLD)
NZ Ch Jacknthebox Runaway June (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Irish Terrier
NZ Ch Tasdale Hanky Panky (Diane Riley)
American Staffordshire Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Zaliamstaff The Pied Piper (C & A Pereira/ Z Jordan & J Klenner)
Australian Terrier
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Tasdale Hooray For Hazel (Diane Riley)
Bull Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Raiden Oh My Venus (K Joyce)
Fox Terrier (Smooth)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley & J Dixon)
Irish Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Tasdale Hanky Panky (Diane Riley)
Jack Russell Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Jacknthebox Runaway June (Jo & Gerard Price & Anita-Kaye Malby)
Norwich Terrier
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Norwester Hellzapoppin (Jill Watson)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Myrah She Can Do Magic (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth)
R/UP BOB & Res Bitch CC: Zekiel April Fools Imposter (T Treweek)
Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Oakamoor Revenge Of Dreams (Leana Bartle)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Takoda Class Act (Sian Vermeer)
Group 3 - Gundogs
Specials Judge : Mr Glenn Wilshier (QLD)
NZ Ch Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon (N & R Trainor)
Runner Up in Group & Open in Group: Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Suedanka Received My Halo (Amanda Calman)
Baby in Group: Hungarian Vizsla
Redmarley Apollo (Nelson Batt)
Puppy in Group: Cocker Spaniel
Konan When Stars Collide (Zoe Hogg)
Intermediate in Group: Lagotto Romagnolo
NZ Ch Glenstar Rhythm Of The Rain (D Hanson & A Price-Gosman)
Runner Up Neuter in Group: German Wirehaired Pointer
Aust Gr Ch NZ Ch Neut Ch Hotwyr Ice Ice Baby (Imp Aust) (Fiona Ellis / Rae Bank)
Clumber Spaniel
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Baswei Joy Of A Rose (Helen Dupe)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Baswei Just A Smoking Gun (Helen Dupe)
Cocker Spaniel
BOB & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Suedanka Received My Halo (Amanda Calman)
Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Suedanka U Only Need One (A Calman)
Puppy of Breed: Konan When Stars Collide (Zoe Hogg)
English Springer Spaniel
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon (N & R Trainor)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp Aust) (N & R Trainor)
German Wirehaired Pointer
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Germanus Black In Bizniz With Hotwyr (Imp UK) (Rae Bank & Fiona Ellis)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: Aust Gr Ch NZ Ch Neut Ch Hotwyr Ice Ice Baby (Imp Aust) (Fiona Ellis / Rae Bank)
Golden Retriever
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Tizai Spencer Confidential (Lauren Morris)
Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: Tizai Oh My She's Divine (Lauren Morris)
R/UP Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter (Bitch) of Breed: Mistymoor Searching For Ivy (Cat Springett-Rooney)
Hungarian Vizsla
BOB & Baby of Breed: Redmarley Apollo (Nelson Batt)
Labrador Retriever
Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Cowanheights Yippee Ki Yay (Mr Simon Monson)
Lagotto Romagnolo
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Glenstar Rhythm Of The Rain (D Hanson & A Price-Gosman)
Junior of Breed: Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
Group 4 - Hounds
Specials Judge : Mr Michael Yates (QLD)
Arcon Goddess Of Love At Benbridge (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Runner Up in Group & Open in Group: Basset Hound
NZ Ch Hunterspark Here's Mr Harry (Martin & Wendy Hewitt)
Baby in Group: Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
Malachi Turning Back Time for Pentaki (Martin Hewitt)
Junior in Group: Basset Hound
Hunterspark Mr Reddy Teddy (Wendy & Martin Hewitt)
Intermediate in Group: Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Malachi Penelope Pitstop (L Bray)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Whippet
NZ Ch Arcon La Vie En Rose (AI) (Coral & Anita Henderson)
Basset Hound
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Hunterspark Here's Mr Harry (Martin & Wendy Hewitt)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Hunterspark Mr Reddy Teddy (Wendy & Martin Hewitt)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Wheatlands Crossfire (Gwen Hindmarsh)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Wheatlands Field Marshal (Gwen Hindmarsh)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: CIB Aust Sup Ch AAO Ch Marakhoff Shostaakovich (Mike Stewart, Amelia Price-Gosman & Kay Sneath)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Aust Ch NZ Ch Marakhoff Ulrikaah For Shysu (Imp Aust) (Kay Sneath / Mike Stewart / Amelia Price-Gosman)
Dachshund (Long Haired)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Blackwatch Newshound (Sylvia Schmidt)
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch SAF Ch Getwick Makin' Dreams for Mistydale JM (Imp SAF) (Robyn Williams)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Malachi Penelope Pitstop (L Bray)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Stevie Wunda of Pentaki (Martin Hewitt)
Res Dog CC & Puppy (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Essare Send In The Clowns (Solitaire Robertson)
Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Treppenwitz Who’s My Papa (L Bray / S Gilbert & A Bray)
Baby of Breed: Malachi Turning Back Time for Pentaki (Martin Hewitt)
Puppy of Breed: Molly Moppet of Pentaki (Martin Hewitt)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Arcon Goddess Of Love At Benbridge (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Arcon La Vie En Rose (AI) (Coral & Anita Henderson)
Junior of Breed: Danubia Invictus at Arcon (Caroline Matheson/Anita Henderson/Martina Boor)
Group 5 - Working Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Michael Yates (QLD)
Am Ch NZ Gr Ch Homespuns Simon Says (Imp USA) (L Chalmers & K McIntyre)
Runner Up in Group & Junior in Group: German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
NZ Ch Gwylim Exclusive Edition At Zebanti (Carol Dayman)
Baby in Group: German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
Westfield Prime Suspect (J K Field)
Puppy in Group: Collie (Rough)
Fairenvy That’s All Folks (Angela Sime & Donna Gordon-Glassford)
Intermediate in Group: Collie (Rough)
NZ Ch Fairenvy Cutting Edge (Imp AUST) (Angela Sime)
Runner Up Neuter in Group: Collie (Rough)
NZ Ch / Neut Ch Lochburn Diamonds N Silva (Kay Sime)
Australian Shepherd
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: Am Ch & NZ Ch Airam Bayberry Wild Feather (Imp USA) (B Falconer)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Mainstreet Dancing In The Dark (Imp Aust) (Trudy Gallavin)
Bitch CC & Open (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Am GrCh Ukulunga's Born In The Usa At Sublime (Imp USA) (B Falconer)
Border Collie
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Moonstar Gift From Heaven (Paul Hill)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Kerrybrent Abbys Kiwi (Eileen Garlick)
Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Kerrybrent Koha O Te Rupi (Eileen Garlick)
Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Inka I’ll Be Judge At Fairenvy (Angela Sime)
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Aubrey’s Sea Monster (G I Jackson)
Collie (Rough)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Fairenvy Cutting Edge (Imp AUST) (Angela Sime)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Fairenvy That’s All Folks (Angela Sime & Donna Gordon-Glassford)
Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Fairenvy Diamentes N Silva (Angela Sime)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch / Neut Ch Lochburn Diamonds N Silva (Kay Sime)
German Shepherd Dog
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Westfield Double Take (Jon Field)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Rahkantra A Littl Bit of Faith (Candyce Orchard)
Baby of Breed: Westfield Private Dancer (Jon Field)
German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Gwylim Exclusive Edition At Zebanti (Carol Dayman)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Kaygarr Ezi Ryda (Carol Dayman)
Baby of Breed: Westfield Prime Suspect (J K Field)
Miniature American Shepherd
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Wagontails Etched In Roses (Lyn Sixtus & Cherie Hill)
Shetland Sheepdog
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: DeAmonte Ready Freddy (Lavina Diamanti)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Shelton Miles O Sand (Lavina Diamanti)
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: Am Ch NZ Gr Ch Homespuns Simon Says (Imp USA) (L Chalmers & K McIntyre)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Merthyr Wanda Say That Again (Mrs L J Chalmers)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Islaymist The Chosen One (S Abelson)
Group 6 - Utility Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Glenn Wilshier (QLD)
Subahka Mr Zeus (Linda Young)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Winter Spark (Linda Young)
Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Akylah Say Hello To Heaven (R Collins)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Shadday Set Fire To The Rain At Debruk (H Street & S R Maguigan)
Siberian Husky
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Melandar Akira (Linda Young)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Subahka Mr Zeus (Linda Young)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Melandar Winter Spark (Linda Young)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Dogs
Specials Judge : Miss Anna Ancell (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Hagen Dream A Little Dream (G Hagger & S Garrity)
Runner Up in Group: Shar Pei
NZ Ch Wuyu Crinkled Star (P S Jamieson)
Puppy in Group: Dalmatian
Cristabo Fairy Tail Dreamz (Carla Peck)
Open in Group: Lhasa Apso
NZ Gr Ch Sooquan Gold Rush (Imp Aust) (Sarah Elliot)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Shar Pei
NZ Ch & Neut Ch Wuyu Crinkle Cut (P Jamieson)
Runner Up Neuter in Group: Schipperke
NZ & NZ Neut Ch Sanlyn Walkin The Line (Adrienne Staples & Sandra Macklin)
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Cristabo Fairy Tail Dreamz (Carla Peck)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Cristabo Starswept Skies (Bronwen Munro)
French Bulldog
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Hagen Dream A Little Dream (G Hagger & S Garrity)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Gesundheit Senor Maximus At Hagen (G Hagger / S Garrity / E Tooth)
Baby of Breed: Gesundheit Call Me Jett (G Hagger & S Garrity)
Lhasa Apso
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Sooquan Gold Rush (Imp Aust) (Sarah Elliot)
Poodle (Miniature)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Inchcolm Qui Vivra Verra (Z Hogg & B Crocker)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Taff's Crowned Opulence by Showcase (Z Hogg & E Case-Peters)
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Elbeedee Mayflower (A L Staples)
New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Elbeedee Midnight Special (Adrienne Staples)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ & NZ Neut Ch Sanlyn Walkin The Line (Adrienne Staples & Sandra Macklin)
Shar Pei
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Wuyu Crinkled Star (P S Jamieson)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Gumby's Starry Starry Night (Imp) (P S Jamieson)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch & Neut Ch Wuyu Crinkle Cut (P Jamieson)
Tibetan Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Caerlaverock Pho Flying Solo (Brian & Louise Harris)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: CIB NZ Ch Caerlaverock Mampa-Bumo (Brian & Louise Harris)