Rising Star of the Year 2025
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - New Zealand
The Rising Star of the Year 2025 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).

LEADER - Gundog Group - New Zealand
Flat Coated Retriever
Annaglyn Czech Mate
(S Black & R Annand)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - New Zealand
No. 1
- Flat Coated Retriever
Annaglyn Czech Mate (S Black & R Annand) (275)
No. 2
- Irish Setter
NZ Ch Lanascol Let The Music Play (Carolyn Cederman) (186)
No. 3
- Weimaraner
Weissenberg Image Of A lady at Wachtel-berg (Susan Allison) (175)
No. 4
- Pointer
NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill) (167)
No. 5
- Lagotto Romagnolo
NZ Ch Glenstar Dancin With Th Devil (Carolyn Cederman & Desiree Hanson) (116)
No. 6
- Labrador Retriever
Croftsway Times Square (Julie Bedford) (96)
No. 7
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Sebastian Coe (P Gordon & S Fleming & G Nelson & X Tang) (90)
No. 8
- Labrador Retriever
Croftsway Must Wear Shades (Julie Bedford) (75)
No. 9
- Weimaraner
Silkwei Ribbon Thief At Whimsical (AI) (Julie Jorey) (70)
No. 10
- Irish Setter
Lanascol Listen To The Music (Carolyn Cederman) (65)
No. 11
- Weimaraner
NZ Ch Carnmellis Penny Lane (Pip Simmons) (55)
No. 12
- Irish Setter
Karamu Guess Again (Kim Murray) (50)
No. 13
- English Setter
Ballymore Kissed By Fire (K Parnell / D Gibson & J James) (50) - Weimaraner
Weissenberg Luck Be A Lady (Kathy White) (50)
No. 14
- Labrador Retriever
Cowanheights Summer Loving (Mr Simon Monson) (45)
No. 15
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Sgt Pepper (Nelson / Gordon / Fleming / Jackson) (40)
No. 16
- Labrador Retriever
Cowanheights To Hot To Handle (Mr Simon Monson) (35)
No. 17
- Flat Coated Retriever
Annaglyn Miss Bliss (Robyn Annand) (35) - Labrador Retriever
Sarasota Just Press Play (Libby Henderson) (35)
No. 18
- Golden Retriever
Glenaic Point Break (Annie Cooper & Glenda Jackson) (30)
No. 19
- Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Konan When Stars Collide (Zoe Hogg) (30)
No. 20
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
Mycroft Maid to Measure for Afonderi (Imp Aust) (J McBurney & N McBurney) (25)
No. 21
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Brynmor Queen Bee (Kelly Te Reo) (25)
No. 22
- Labrador Retriever
Croftsway I'm A Show Off (Julie Bedford) (20)
No. 23
- Weimaraner
Jaycee Absolutely Fabulous (Jo Clough) (20) - Weimaraner
NZ Ch Waldwieze Girl Gone Wild at Weizwaze (Julie Rumsey) (20)
No. 24
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Mr Charlee Brown (Nelson / Fleming / Jackson / Gordon) (15) - Lagotto Romagnolo
Glenstar Setn Th World On Fire (Laura Harry & Desiree Hanson) (15) - Golden Retriever
Goldridge Destination Known (Kelly Dain) (15)
No. 25
- Golden Retriever
Mistymoor Need For Speed (J Cook) (10)
No. 26
- Labrador Retriever
Sarasota Had To Be You (Libby Henderson) (10) - Labrador Retriever
Croftsway Atomic Blonde (Julie Bedford) (10) - Golden Retriever
Goldridge Game Of Hearts at Celticgold (T Sheehy/G Sheehy & K Dain) (10)
No. 27
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Peppermint Rerun (Nelson / Fleming / Jackson / Gordon) (5) - Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Benlea Sir Harold at Hollands (M & J Johnston) (5) - Gordon Setter
NZ Ch Azzaro An All Black Wife (Karen & Ernie Leslie) (5) - German Shorthaired Pointer
Aytee Quintessa (Lucie Hustler) (5) - Cocker Spaniel
Konan Georgia On My Mind (Z Hogg) (5) - Golden Retriever
Mistymoor Wots The Story (J Cook) (5)