Rising Star of the Year 2025
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - South Island
The Rising Star of the Year 2025 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).
No. 1
- Weimaraner
Weissenberg Image Of A lady at Wachtel-berg (Susan Allison) (175)
No. 2
- Pointer
NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill) (167)
No. 3
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Sebastian Coe (P Gordon & S Fleming & G Nelson & X Tang) (90)
No. 4
- English Setter
Ballymore Kissed By Fire (K Parnell / D Gibson & J James) (50)
No. 5
- Labrador Retriever
Cowanheights Summer Loving (Mr Simon Monson) (45)
No. 6
- Labrador Retriever
Cowanheights To Hot To Handle (Mr Simon Monson) (35)
No. 7
- Lagotto Romagnolo
Glenstar Setn Th World On Fire (Laura Harry & Desiree Hanson) (15)
No. 8
- German Shorthaired Pointer
Aytee Quintessa (Lucie Hustler) (5) - Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Benlea Sir Harold at Hollands (M & J Johnston) (5) - Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Konan When Stars Collide (Zoe Hogg) (5) - Cocker Spaniel
Konan Georgia On My Mind (Z Hogg) (5)