Show Dog of the Year 2025
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - North Island
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout New Zealand.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.

LEADER - Utility Group - North Island
NZ Spr Ch Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp Aust)
(Ms Wiki Te Tau / Bill Patterson & Steve Greer)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - North Island
No. 1
- Rottweiler
NZ Spr Ch Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp Aust) (Ms Wiki Te Tau / Bill Patterson & Steve Greer) (517)
No. 2
- Bullmastiff
Aust Sup Ch A2O Ch CIB NZ CH Gameguard Wicked Ways (Rebecca Dalglish) (462)
No. 3
- Leonberger
NZ Ch Schiehallion Burning Love (Ellie Davies) (76)
No. 4
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Snowolf Black Guardian SD (R Syverston) (71)
No. 5
- Italian Corso Dog
NZ Ch Numoda Vultures and Thieves (S Mischefski) (69)
No. 6
No. 7
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Snowolf Dragon's Breath (Giselle Jeannes) (53)
No. 8
- Boxer
Kadence Stryke It (Aynsley Downie) (50)
No. 9
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Amajah Come Reign Or Shine (Tracey Fenning) (41)
No. 10
- Samoyed
NZ Ch Zaminka Royal Applause (Tess Robinson & Jess Bello) (40)
No. 11
- Samoyed
NZ Ch Kalisa Holding Onto The Light (E Clausen & J Kernohan) (38)
No. 12
- Portuguese Water Dog
Templegate Sargent Pepper (Scott Sandford) (38)
No. 13
- Boxer
Kadence Stash DaBling (Aynsley Downie) (36)