Results for Rising Star of the Year 2024

French Bulldog
Gesundheit Call Me Jett
(G Hagger & S Garrity)

Results for Rising Star of the Year 2024

Dog Name : Gesundheit Call Me Jett
Breed : French Bulldog
Owned by : G Hagger & S Garrity
Date of Birth : 8-Jan-24 (Eligible for Rising Star Comp until 8-Jan-26)
Competition State : South Island

Points tally based on top 40 shows (points value)
National Points : 472
Island Points : 275

Number of Class WinsClass in ShowClass in Group
National Competition (Top 40)95
Island Competition (Top 40)44
Date Show Name Result Points Top 40
Top 40
13-Apr-24 Nelson Ladies Kennel Associaton (AM Show) (Sth) Baby in Group 10 Y Y
13-Apr-24 Nelson Ladies Kennel Associaton (PM Benefit Show) (Sth) Baby in Group 10 Y Y
14-Apr-24 Nelson Ladies Kennel Associaton (Sth) Baby in Show 25 Y Y
4-May-24 Ellesmere A & P Society (Show 1) (Sth) Baby in Show 50 Y Y
5-May-24 Ellesmere A & P Society (Show 2) (Sth) Baby in Show 50 Y Y
18-May-24 Marlborough Kennel Association (AM Show) (Sth) Baby of Breed 5 Y Y
18-May-24 Marlborough Kennel Association (PM Show) (Sth) Baby of Breed 5 Y Y
19-May-24 Marlborough Kennel Association (Benefit Show) (Sth) Baby of Breed 5 Y Y
1-Jun-24 Wellington Kennel Centre (PM Show) (Nth) Baby in Group 20 Y  
2-Jun-24 Wellington Ladies Kennel Association (Am Show) (Nth) Baby of Breed 5 Y  
2-Jun-24 Wellington Ladies Kennel Association (PM Show) (Nth) Baby in Show 50 Y  
2-Jun-24 Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Society (Nth) Baby of Breed 5 Y  
10-Aug-24 Canterbury Kennel Association - Benefit Show (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
11-Aug-24 Dogs NZ FCI All Breeds CACIB Show (Sth) Puppy in Show 25 Y Y
4-Sep-24 Central Bulldog Club (Nth) Puppy in Show 31 Y  
4-Sep-24 Southern Bulldog Club (Nth) Puppy in Show 25 Y  
6-Sep-24 Wellington Bulldog Club (Nth) Puppy in Show 31 Y  
5-Oct-24 The Plains Kennel Association (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
26-Oct-24 Waimakariri Kennel Association (PM Show) (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
26-Oct-24 Waimakariri Kennel Association (AM Show) (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
27-Oct-24 Waimakariri Kennel Association (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
14-Nov-24 Museum Trust Association (Sth) Puppy in Group 20 Y Y
15-Nov-24 Canterbury Kennel Association (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
16-Nov-24 Canterbury Kennel Association (Sth) Puppy in Group 20 Y Y
16-Nov-24 United Bull Breeds Association (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
17-Nov-24 South Island Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Association (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
27-Nov-24 Kapi-Mana Kennel Society (Show 1) (Nth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y  
28-Nov-24 Auckland Bulldog Club (Nth) Puppy in Show 25 Y  
14-Dec-24 Canterbury Junior Kennel Society (Show 1) (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
15-Dec-24 Canterbury Junior Kennel Society (Show 2) (Sth) Puppy of Breed 5 Y Y
Pointscore totals based on top 40 shows (points value) 472 275