Results for Neuter Pointscore 2024

Labrador Retriever
NZ Ch Ashdale Mid-Knight Tango With Cowanheights
(Mr Simon Monson)

Results for Neuter Pointscore 2024

Dog Name : NZ Ch Ashdale Mid-Knight Tango With Cowanheights
Breed : Labrador Retriever
Owned by : Mr Simon Monson
Competition State : South Island

Points tally based on top 40 shows (points value)
National Points : 197
Island Points : 197

Win DetailNeuter in ShowR/Up Neuter in ShowNeuter in Group
National Competition (Top 40)113
Island Competition (Top 40)113
Date Show Name Result Points Top 40
Top 40
11-Feb-24 Waikouaiti Kennel Association (Show 1) (Sth) Neuter In Show 30 Y Y
11-Feb-24 Waikouaiti Kennel Association (Show 2) (Sth) R/Up Neuter in Group 13 Y Y
11-Feb-24 Waikouaiti Kennel Association (Benefit Show 1) (Sth) Neuter in Group 15 Y Y
11-Feb-24 Waikouaiti Kennel Association (Benefit Show 2) (Sth) R/Up Neuter In Show 27 Y Y
16-Mar-24 Otago Kennel Association (AM Show) (Sth) Neuter in Group 15 Y Y
17-Mar-24 Otago Kennel Association (PM Show) (Sth) Neuter in Group 15 Y Y
23-Mar-24 Geraldine County Kennel Association (Sth) R/Up Neuter in Group 13 Y Y
24-Mar-24 Geraldine County Kennel Association (Sth) R/Up Neuter in Group 13 Y Y
1-Nov-24 Southland Kennel Association (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
2-Nov-24 Southland Kennel Association (AM Show) (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
2-Nov-24 Southland Kennel Association (PM Show) (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
3-Nov-24 Southland Kennel Association (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
30-Nov-24 Southern Ladies Kennel Association (Show 2) (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
30-Nov-24 Southern Ladies Kennel Association (Show 1) (Sth) R/Up Neuter in Group 13 Y Y
1-Dec-24 Southern Otago Kennel Association (Show 2) (Sth) Neuter of Breed 5 Y Y
1-Dec-24 Southern Otago Kennel Association (Show 1) (Sth) R/Up Neuter in Group 13 Y Y
Pointscore totals based on top 40 shows (points value) 197 197