Golden Retriever Profiles

Ch Glentreve Return to Sender for Goldsmith
(Kirsten Price)

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NZ Alubyc Full Force Gale (Imp Aust) AI (Lynley Drummond)
NZ Arangolds National-Surprise (B & S Paterson)
NZ Blairsgold Rio Grande (NZ CH) (Bronwen Munro)
NZ Cadarn Return To Sandlewood (NZ Ch) (P Gordon & Y Jin & G Nelson & S Fleming)
NZ Fantango What Happens in Vegas (AI) (NZ Ch/Aust. Ch.) (Miss J Bedford & Ms J Salvestrin)
NSW Glenaic News Alert(NZ) (AustCH) (A Cooper & G Jackson)
NZ Glentreve Return to Sender for Goldsmith (Ch) (Kirsten Price)
NZ Gofetch Mad About the Boy for Drumtreve (Lynley Dummond & Lorraine Handley)
NZ Gofetch Northern Muse for Drumtreve (Lynley Drummond)
NZ Gofetch Quantum Leap (NZ CH) (Deborah Tonkin)
NZ Goldendream Back N Time (Melanie Snowdon)
NZ Goldendream Big Shus To Fill at Goldridge (K Dain)
NZ Goldendream Bon Voyage at Celticgold (T. Sheehy & G. Sheehy)
NZ Goldendream Dublin or Nothin (Sophie Black/Melanie Snowdon)
NZ Goldendream Where T Land Ends (NZ CH) (Melanie Snowdon)
NZ Goldendream Wonderlust at Taylormade (Jane Taylor)
NZ Goldenkiwi Time Motion (NZ CH) (M Snowdon/D Edwards)
NZ Goldridge Destination Know (Kelly Dain)
NZ Goldridge Game of Hearts at Celticgold (T. Sheehy & G. Sheehy / K. Dain)
NZ Goldridge Game-of-Thrones at Celticgold (NZ CH) (T. Sheehy & G. Sheehy)
NZ Goldridge Gemini Dreamer at Celticgold (T. Sheehy & G. Sheehy)
NZ Goldridge Gilmore Girl (NZ CH) (K Dain / T Sheehy & G Sheehy)
NZ Goldriver Dreamtime N Par'ee (NZ CH) (Melanie Snowdon)
NZ Goldsmith Just a Mo (Ch) (Kirsten Price)
NZ Goldsmith Pass the Salt (Kirsten Price)
NZ Goldsmith Push The Boat Out (Kirsten Price)
NZ Kaparla Back At Goldendream AI (IMP AUST) (Melanie Snowdon)
NZ Kavandale Time-To-Cha Cha (Ch) (Kathryn van den Berg)
NZ Keridale Absolutely Fabulis (Yvonne Malaquin)
NZ Keridale Alexandria (YS Malaquin)
NZ Keridale Amaretto (Yvonne Malaquin)
NZ Keridale Angel in Disguise (Yvonne Malaquin)
NZ Keridale En Point (Jane Gilbert)
NZ Keridale Whisky Mac (Yvonne Malaquin)
NZ Lady Chanel of Willowrose (Deborah Tonkin)
NZ Lukhangold Grande Echouerie (Kelly McCarrison)
NZ Mistymoor Catch Me If U Can (NZ Ch) (J & D Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Caught In The Act (NZ Ch) (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Don't Get Caught (NZ Ch) (Jan Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Fly Me To The Moon (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Kingsman (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Maranello (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Searching For Ivy (Neut Ch) (Cat Springett-Rooney)
NZ Mistymoor See You Again (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Shining Light at Willowrose (Deborah Tonkin)
NZ Mistymoor Take It To The Limit (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor That’s Nice (J Cook)
NZ Mistymoor Weekend Warrior (Cat Springett-Rooney)
NZ Rowangold On Me Tod (B & S Paterson P Johnson,M VanDer Hoeven)
NZ Rowangold Runnin' Down A Dream (CH) (B & S Paterson)
NZ Rowangold Vegas Showgirl (B & S Paterson)
NZ Rowangold Working On A Dream (Sherryn and Bevan Paterson)
NZ Sandlewood All Eyez On Me (G Nelson/P Gordon/S Fleming)
NZ Sandlewood Chances Are (Nelson Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Into-the-Mystic (NZ Ch) (Lynley Drummond)
NZ Sandlewood Ivy's A Gamble (MBISS NZ CH) (Miss P Gordon/Mrs G Nelson)
NZ Sandlewood Kitty Fisher A.I (Ch) (P Gordon & G Nelson)
NZ Sandlewood Lets Chance It (Nelson Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Lucy Lockett (NZ Ch) (P Gordon & G Nelson & K Jackson)
NZ Sandlewood Mr Charlee Brown (Nelson/Fleming/Jackson/Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Order In The Court (NZ Ch) (G Nelson&P Gordon&Y Jin& XG Tang)
NZ Sandlewood Peppermint Patty (RUISS NZ Ch) (G Nelson/P Gordon/S Fleming/K Jackson)
NZ Sandlewood Peppermint Rerun (Nelson/Fleming/Jackson/Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Rally The Troops (Fleming & Gordon & Nelson & Jackson)
NZ Sandlewood Regal Romanie (NZ CH) (Kelly Dain)
NZ Sandlewood Runa Mile In M'shus (AI) (MBISS RUISS NZ CH) (Gaye Nelson & Phillida Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Runaway Dream (AI) (NZ CH) (Gaye Nelson & Phillida Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood Sebastian Coe (P Gordon & S Fleming & G Nelson& X TANG)
NZ Sandlewood Sgt Pepper (Nelson/Gordon/Fleming/Jackson)
NZ Sandlewood Take - A - Bow (NZ SPR CH & SPL GR CH) (S Fleming, G Nelson, P Gordon, K Jackson)
NZ Sandlewood The Antz Pantz (AI) (G Nelson & P Gordon)
NZ Sandlewood The Locksmith CGCF (BISS NZ Ch) (G Nelson, P Gordon,L Tang)
NZ Sandllewood Runaway Bride (Gaye Nelson & Phillida Gordon)
NZ Seacove Harbourmaster with Goldriver (NZ Ch) (Jan Bedford)
NZ Seacove Hidden Treasure (Ch) (Jan Bedford)
NZ Seacove Privateer RN (CH.) (D & D Legat and S Asher)
NZ Seacove Roll The Dice (NZ Ch) (Jan Bedford)
NZ Seacove Tropical Cruise CD (NZ Ch) (Jan Bedford)
NZ Seacove Windjammer CDX (Spl Gr Ch) (Jan Bedford)
NZ Tizai Oh My She's Divine (Lauren Morris)
NZ Tizai Spencer Confidential (NZ CH) (Lauren Morris)

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