German Shorthaired Pointer Profiles

Castlepoint Supernova
(Antonia Dawson)

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NZ Arosa Ain't He Nice (AI) (CH) (Michele Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Ain't She Sweet (AI) (CH) (Michele Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Causin' Chaos (AI) (CH) (Michele Reichmuth & Peter Hay)
NZ Arosa in a Beat (BISS CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Just Wicked (Multi BISS & RBISS CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Just Dipped (BISS CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Lethal Weapon (BISS CH) (M L Reichmuth/H Orchard)
NZ Arosa So Hot in Black (CH) (D Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa ur all class (BISS & RBISS CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Ur Upperclass (UK SH CH &GR CH & SPL GR CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Very Wicked (CH) (D Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa Xquisite (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Arosa YNot (CH) (Michele Reichmuth)
NZ Atorae Walk Of Fame CGCB RN (Imp Aust) (NZ Ch) (Jane & Sarah Asher and Rebecca Bush)
NZ Castlepoint Florence (Ch) (Catherine & Anthony Sellin)
NZ Castlepoint Pretorius (IMP UK) (Catherine & Tony Sellin)
NZ Castlepoint Supernova (Antonia Dawson)
NZ Demorz On Fire At Gunpoint (Imp Aust) (NZCH) (Kim Burford)
NZ Falkenhof Gals Gran' Fin-l (Ch) (Kim Burford)
NZ Falkenhof Jive Talkin (Margaret Cotton)
NZ Falkenhof The Huntress (Ch) (Catherine & Anthony Sellin)
NZ Gunpoint Harley Fantail (Ch) (Kim Burford)
NZ Gunpoint Sky Fire SN NCS NVS NIS NES (CH) (Kim Burford)
NZ Heiderst Be Puzzled at Arosa (Imp Aust) (Michele Reichmuth & Peter Hay)
NZ Itsgottabe A Lil Black Magic At Stagridge (Ch) (Abi Richmond)
NZ Itsgottabe Better In Blak CGCB (Margaret Cotton)
NZ Itsgottabe Brd Ina Gildd Cage (Shaun Ireland & Fiona Ireland)
NZ Itsgottabe Don't Clip My Wings (Breeders)
NZ Itsgottabe Rising Tide (NZ CH) (Anja Borchardt)
NZ Jagdhunde Untill Forever (CH & SPL GR CH) (Mr Shaun Ireland)
NZ Kiokio Conrad (Ch) (Abi Richmond)
NZ Legacyk Rockin' at Arosa (Imp Can) (CAN CH/NZ CH) (M L Reichmuth)
NZ Lionspoint Serendipity RN CGCB (CH) (Sarah Asher)
NZ Midlander Mio Margarita (IMP UK) (NZ Ch) (Catherine & Tony Sellin)
NZ Moruada California Trails (Imp AUS) (NZ Ch) (Antonia Dawson)
NZ Moruada Sunset In California (imp AUS) (NZ CH) (Antonia Dawson)
NZ Ponsonby Sgt Pepper (Ch) (Pete Gillott)
NZ Starfire Of Gunpoint SN NCS NVS NIS (CH) (Kim Burford)
NZ Treufreund Charlie Rascal SA ECS AIS AES AVS (Sarah Asher)
NZ Treufreund Incredibl Journy (AI) (CH.) (Sarah Asher)
NZ Treufreund Join The Dots NCS SN NVS NIS NES (CH.) (S. Asher)
NZ Treufreund Noughts N Crosses RNB NCS (CH.) (S. Asher)
NZ Treufreund Sentimntl Journy (AI) RA EB ACS AVS SN NIS NES (CH. & NEUT CH.) (Sarah Asher)
NZ Treufreund The Missing Piece (AI) (Sarah Asher)
NZ Treufreund Walk This Way CGCB SN ACS NVS NIS (CH) (Jane & Sarah Asher)
NZ Waimanu Fern CGCS (NZ Ch) (Margaret Cotton)
NZ Woodwych Thriller at Gunpoint (Imp Aust) (NZ CH) (Kim Burford)
NZ Zeigerkurz Cafe au Lait (Pete Gillott)

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