Member Profile

Name : Kylie Crawford

Town : Hawera, NZ

Email : Display Email

Clubs : Taranaki Toy Dog

Breeder Listings

Prefix : KTRIO (Chihuahua (Long Coat))

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Prefix : KTRIO (Japanese Spitz)

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Prefix : KTRIO (Tibetan Spaniel)

We are a dog loving family, who lives rurally on 5 acres in the amazing Taranaki, NZ.

We have been involved in the show scene for a number of years having only entered Tibetan Spaniels in 2019 (due to finding the breed very hard to enter). I grew up around cocker spaniels and beagles. We had exhibited Chihuahuas for a few years before changing to Tibetan Spaniels, and also show Japanese Spitz
During our short time in tibbies, we have been extremely competitive in a strong line up of Tibetan Spaniels often 20+ per show, with numerous BOB and RBOB, many group class wins, and age class in show wins. I am proud to say that each of our tibbies have won atleast in group age class.

We now have 10 tibbies in our family, which are first and foremost family pets, and are secondly show dogs.
We have recently imported Aust Ch Tunamara Takam Tsha, who brings exciting new lines to NZ.

I am very lucky to have 2 very enthusiastic Junior Handlers, who love the dogs as much as I do, and are fantastic handlers, and help exhibit the team exceptionally well.

All our dogs are PRA3 clear (each and every dog is individually tested).

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Dog Profiles / Pedigrees