Prefix : HOTWYR (German Wirehaired Pointer)
Home to:
NZ/AustCh Hotwyr Baby It's You -SHIRELLE (Ret)
Aust GrCh/NZCh/Gr Neut Ch Hotwyr Ice Ice Baby -VANI (Speyed)
Ch Hotwyr To Kill A Mockingbird -ATTICUS (Ret)
CIB & NZCh Germanus Got Booty for Hotwyr (Imp UK) -JEMIMA
Ch Hotwyr Anyone Who had A Heart -CILLA
NZCh Germanus Black in Bizniz with Hotwyr (Imp UK) TIM
Semen held from:
Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous WYATT
Aust/NZCh Hotwyr Sympathy for the Devil MICK
Aust Gr Ch Hotwyr Bizniz Class WALTER
Running Free:
HARRIET NZCh Kimmax Kontessa SDCH (Imp UK)
RUSSELL BISS MBiG Ch Korskote Xpress Klass SDCH (imp Aust)
WYATT MBiG Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous SDCH
ALEX Hotwyr Law & Order
LIZ Aust/NZCh Korskote Witch and Famous (imp Aust)
MADDY Madeline @ Hotwyr SDCH (SPCA rehome)
BOLT Kimmax Bolt (Imp UK)
HECTOR Hotwyr Lawman
TANA Ch Jagerrob Tarn of the Styx SDX
Hotwyr is co-owned in Australia with Fiona Ellis. Visit our FB page: Hotwyr German Wirehaired Pointers Australasia
We breed to the FCI standard & our dogs have correct coats requiring the bare minimum of handstripping. We have dogs in serious hunting homes on fur & feather
All our GWP are hip/elbow scored, DNA profiled and DNA vWD Clear.
We only breed GWP's & have the breeds interest at heart. We live by "A Dog is for Life. Their Life" & "If You Breed, Rehome. If You don't Rehome, Don't Breed"
Puppies are sometimes available to dedicated owners prepared to commit time & energy to a life long companion
Next Litter Planned: March, 2025