Member Profile

Name : Rae Bank

Town : Christchurch, NZ

Phone : 0275590040

Email : Display Email

Web :

Clubs : Continental Gundog Club, Great Northern Siberian Husky Club, Spitz Breed Club

Committed to the GWP 100% all my dogs are pets first. Proud to be owner/breeder/handler of NZ's top conformation GWP's* (*DOLPs) We believe in & live by: "A dog is for life, their life" & "If you breed, rehome. If you don't rehome, don't breed" We DO NOT have multiple litters per year so pups are only occasionally available to those that understand the commitment involved in owning a dog for life! NZKC Accredited Breeder

Breeder Listings

Prefix : HOTWYR (German Wirehaired Pointer)

Home to:
NZ/AustCh Hotwyr Baby It's You -SHIRELLE (Ret)
Aust GrCh/NZCh/Gr Neut Ch Hotwyr Ice Ice Baby -VANI (Speyed)
Ch Hotwyr To Kill A Mockingbird -ATTICUS (Ret)
CIB & NZCh Germanus Got Booty for Hotwyr (Imp UK) -JEMIMA
Ch Hotwyr Anyone Who had A Heart -CILLA
NZCh Germanus Black in Bizniz with Hotwyr (Imp UK) TIM

Semen held from:
Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous WYATT
Aust/NZCh Hotwyr Sympathy for the Devil MICK
Aust Gr Ch Hotwyr Bizniz Class WALTER

Running Free:
HARRIET NZCh Kimmax Kontessa SDCH (Imp UK)
RUSSELL BISS MBiG Ch Korskote Xpress Klass SDCH (imp Aust)
WYATT MBiG Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous SDCH
ALEX Hotwyr Law & Order
LIZ Aust/NZCh Korskote Witch and Famous (imp Aust)
MADDY Madeline @ Hotwyr SDCH (SPCA rehome)
BOLT Kimmax Bolt (Imp UK)
HECTOR Hotwyr Lawman
TANA Ch Jagerrob Tarn of the Styx SDX

Hotwyr is co-owned in Australia with Fiona Ellis. Visit our FB page: Hotwyr German Wirehaired Pointers Australasia
We breed to the FCI standard & our dogs have correct coats requiring the bare minimum of handstripping. We have dogs in serious hunting homes on fur & feather

All our GWP are hip/elbow scored, DNA profiled and DNA vWD Clear.
We only breed GWP's & have the breeds interest at heart. We live by "A Dog is for Life. Their Life" & "If You Breed, Rehome. If You don't Rehome, Don't Breed"

Puppies are sometimes available to dedicated owners prepared to commit time & energy to a life long companion

Next Litter Planned: March, 2025

Dog Profiles / Pedigrees